Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Codes and conventions of a fictional Radio podcast

                                                            Radio Podcast analysis

The Archers-Radio podcast 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0009b0l
Alone. A cry for no help-Radio podcast 2:https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00094lp

Codes and conventions

Dialogue and speech, In a radio drama a story is only being told through speech, so really it has to be well thought out with different accents and the volumes your speaking at. This shows different personalities and makes the audience more interested. If you were from North you would be able to tell by their slang too. so it would be more natural and southern would be more posh and different slang like "fam" if you wanted to show class you would have to consider how you might of been brought up. All this is important to consider for good dialogue and speech for a drama. Music is also important as it is used in multiple radio dramas. Music is used to change scene. they are called jingles and it makes it a lot easier for the audience to distribute there location. if you were at an arcade you would be able to tell by arcade music and machines going off and money falling and landing. Sound are used for every radio as it is just essential. going from doors opening to know if someone has left the room too paper being put down onto a table as if he got paper work of his boss. Ambience is important as well to show the atmosphere and character of the radio production. you are able to use ambient sound for telling a mood for a scene or describing the area. as example metal music and fast music could be used for angry/workout or it could be used to describe their in a rough pub. There is diegetic and non diegetic sounds. Diegetic is sound that the actors can hear and non-diabetic is what you can only hear. both of these are effective for different settings. dietetic sound of arcade clinks and machines are used to show their location and for the actors as well. non diegetic sound of music to build tension is for you the listener to get a feeling out of this radio podcast to set the scene. Silence and fades are used to denote a passage of time and changing the day to night. They do fades in and out to make it sound more natural as you can't just jump in people talking you got to fade them in talking so it sounds more natural. You do this with music and sound effects to make sure your product flows and is smooth. a cliff hanger ending is often used in a radio drama to get people to watch the next episode. a cliff hanger is where you leave a show end on an unanswered question or somethings about to happen and you have to watch the next one to find out. this works to an extent but some people get annoyed and stop watching.

The archers

The first Radio podcast I have picked has the fictional genre of drama and it is also a series. With this being a series/soap it will be short episodes but also, you can watch them in any order you will like.
The start of the archers is joyful music for the intro and at the ends it fades to set of the joyful vibe of this drama. There is then a conversation of 2 people speaking and getting along talking about not knowing whats going on with the farm or real life. At the end of the conversation they transition to a Different scene by fading out and stopping for a moment then a digging noise to properly show that its in a different place. The drama starts when she starts to talk about Joe who she says she's is sorry about, which then makes the scene go all sad as they talk about going to joe's funeral and how He though Joe was one in a million. This radio drama uses a lot of silences and background sounds for the transitions. The next scene you can tell where about he is just by the panting. You can tell he's  moving something as the other person said get a move on. You can also tell they are outside by the birds chirping. All of this drama is scenes of them speaking about what has happened and how its going to effect there lives. They tell their individual stories and transition between them. It then ends with the joyful music again, they left it with a cliff hanger as one of the conventions is used to make you want to watch the next episode. Some Radio code they use in archers is all diegetic sound apart from the intro/End, this make sure its smooth and its like your in the drama not listening to it. This Podcast creates an experience for the audience 20+ as its people who watch soaps like Eastenders, so its mostly a British audience, which works out great as its also set in Britain, in a farm. You can tell its set in a farm by the diegetic sound of birds and the ground movement being crunchy sort of. These are vital to a radio production for location distribution.

Alone: A cry for no help

Alone: A cry for no help. This Radio comedy, It starts off with non diegetic soundtrack/intro to start it of the song slowly fades out and fades in Mitch speaking about wedding anniversaries. They have a laughing track in the background which is a non diegetic sound. for it being a comedy this is essential, they also use a round of applauses aswell. it shows Mitch leaving the building by the dietetic sound of the door opening. They managed to use to transition to another scene by playing non diegetic music and fading out to fade in the characters, this is for every transitions of the scenes. They use a lot of background noises to help you understand whats going on. Opening of draws and keys jingling noises all used for more continuity of the narrative story. Most of this show is in an apartment you can tell by footsteps and knocking on peoples flats. To show Morris is speaking through a door his voice gets quite and distorted for the effect. More diegetic sound used was Morris unlocking his door with the lots of looks he had(comedy joke). The Outro was music again but this time they added dialogue of who wrote the show. Alone's genre is comedy but is a series so you can watch it in any order you like and still enjoy it. The radio codes used are for starters the dialogue is more of a sarcastic/comedic tone as everyone seems more silly and not normal. Furthermore they use a lot of non diegetic laughing tracks and round of applause's like its a sit com. The convention used in this that There are multiple diegetic sounds used to distribute locations as in doors knocking, draws opening and doors opening all this shows that its all in an appartment that and the narrative. More over, they used music to transition rather than being silences. They also used footsteps but faded them in to make it sound like he's getting closer to his destination.

The comparison

I have analyzed both these podcast and now going to compare what the similarities and differences are between them with the radio codes and conventions. They are similar in the way i picked out 2 series but in Archers you have to watch it in order where as Alone is a comedy where you can watch it in any order and it will still be enjoyable. Archers genre is drama but Alone is a comedy so the effects, sounds and overall dialogue will be different but there are a lot similarities. One difference is the transitions, in the archers they just use silences and fading in speaking to do transitions. Alone uses music and fading it out too change a scene. I think they do this as since Alone is a comedy its acceptable to put music over it for the humor where as the Archers is more serious as its genre is drama. The differences in radio codes is first off the dialogue and speech used are different and the same the speech is the same as its both British but the dialogue is different as with jokes being used in alone the archers is more serious. The convention comparison for both of them is that the intro music for both was cheerful and jolly which is similar for most series. They both eastablish locations quite well with dietetic sounds of doors opening and for the Archers its like birds chirping to sow its outdoor and their British accents for both of them so show its based in England. The audience for both of them are different as for the Archers its a soap so older people watch it. People who watch Eastenders will watch it. Alone a comedy is open to most viewers though as everyone enjoys a comedy. 

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