Friday, February 22, 2019

Camera Shot List- short film

This is the camera shot list for the types of shots I'm going to be using for my film and how I'm going to shoot it. I do this to be more organized and to get the filming done efficiently.

film schedule strip board- short film

This is my shooting schedule on when Im going to film and how long each scene should take, doing this make' my film more organized and having the chance to make sure I use the right amount of time and don't waste any at the same time.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Location recce- for short film

This is Castletown river where Im going to film the intro to my scene
these are where the victim gets tied to the tree and where the interrogations happen .
its down near Castletown river.

This is near the tree where the victim gets tied up to, its where he dug
the hole with the tickets that the kidnapper needs 

This a shot of where the running scene takes place again near the river and
where the end of the film will take place

The reason we use a location recce is for planning in advanced where your shots is going to take place and the conditions you have to go through to film your film its all planning for perfection.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Meeting 2 paper work for short film

We do these meetings to improve the film and also the paper work is to show how its developed.

Location realease form for short film

The reason you use location release forms is for permission of filming and using there property and legal requirements.

Contributors release form

We use contributor forms for permission to use them in the film and for legal purpose to film them on camera and agree to the terms

Equipment list for short film

Risk assessment for short film

Risk assessment template from NathanLukeman
The reason we do this risk assessment for a short film is so for when someone gets hurt its proof that you thought about the danger and tried to minimize the risk for it as you don't want people get hurt on set and also when people put claims in its proof that you thought it through. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Story board for short film


Story board from NathanLukeman
The story board is needed as its good planning on for what shot you want and how you view your film is going to look like.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Meeting 1 paperwork for short film

We do these meeting sheets to show how the film developed and how the ideas have changed